Things Every Python Programmer Should Know but Generally Don't
Python is a really great programming language, and one of the many reasons for its success is a simple, easy-to-understand syntax. That being said, there are some things that can trip up beginners (and which have tripped me up before). There are also a few little known features that turn out to be rather useful. I am attempting to document some of the common pitfalls and esoteric-but-useful features here.
Efficient String Concatenation
Because Python uses immutable strings, concatenating two strings involves a
bit of overhead (as a new str
object must be allocated each time), which
means that performing concatenations using the most obvious method will lead
to rather poor performance. For my example, let us assume we have a
generator method genstr
which takes as input an integer n and yields a
random string on each iteration, stopping after n number of iterations.
How would one concatenate the results of genstr
. The most obvious way
would be like so.
mystr = ''
for randstr in genstr(n):
mystr += randstr
But this is very inefficient for the reason that a new string has to be created and assigned to mystr on each loop. What is the most efficient method of concatenation? List comprehension.
mystr = ''.join([s for s in genstr(n)])
# or alternatively
mystr = ''.join(s for s in genstr(n))
The second is actually a generator comprehension, not a list comprehension. They are more memory efficient (as you don’t have to pre-allocate the entire list), but are slower than list comprehensions in Python 2.x (they have comparable speed in Python 3). Of course, sometimes, performing a list comprehension is not ideal, because your inner loop might be slightly more complicated than just returning the yielded value. In that case, the next best way is to use a StringIO object, like so.
import io
sio = io.StringIO()
for randstr in gen(n):
mystr = sio.getvalue()
Attribution - this information was taken from an article written by Oliver Crow.
Class Attributes and Default Parameters
Two sources of endless confusion and bugs in Python come from a misunderstanding of the scope of class attributes and default parameters for functions. A class attribute looks like the following.
class A:
a = 'blah'
A default parameter looks like this.
def something(a = 'blah'):
Class attributes are bound when the class is created, and default parameters are bound when the function is created. Mutating the state of class attributes will change the attribute in all instances of a class. Mutating the state of a default parameter will cause that change to persist in all future calls of the function. This means that both of the following should be avoided.
class A:
a = []
b = A()
c = A()
# now b.a and c.a are both ['blah']
def something(a = []):
return a
# calling something without arguments 5 times will cause 'blah' to show up
# 5 times in the returned list
Instead, do it like this.
class A:
def __init__(self):
self.a = []
def something(a = None):
if a==None: a = []
Multiline Strings
One of the nice features of Python is the ability to have multiline string literals. The canonical way of doing this is the docstring, which looks like
'''This is a string
that spans two lines.'''
But I just learned recently that it can also be achieved like so.
("This is another string "
"that is declared on two lines.")
So what is the difference? In a docstring, all newlines and whitespace are preserved, in the second declaration, only the parts inside the quotes are rendered into the final string. Therefore, the first string when printed out looks like.
This is a string
that spans two lines.
While the second will simply be
This is another string that is declared on two lines.
If you don’t want the newlines to show up as-is, the second type of declaration could be very useful.
The list
, dict
, and tuple
builtin classes in Python are rather
well-known. The set
and frozenset
classes, not so much. A set in Python
represents the mathematical concept of a set. It is an unordered container
with unique elements. A frozenset has the same interface as a set, but is
immutable, like a tuple. A set and a frozenset are declared like the
# A set
#A frozenset
# the argument to frozenset can be any iterable, including a list or tuple
What is the usefulness of a set? The main advantages of a set are that there are no duplicates, and that lookups can be done in constant time. For example, let’s say that you have a very long string of words separated by newlines, and you want to find out whether each word in a list of words was contained in that string. How would you accomplish this? The first thing you might try is.
contained = [word for word in word_list if word in long_string]
But this is not very efficient, because you have to go searching in the string every single time. Now what if we first split the string into a list?
long_string_list = long_string.split()
contained = [word for word in word_list if word in long_string_list]
This is also not quite so efficient, because looking up an item in a list still takes O(n) time. Now, what if we used a set?
long_string_set = set(long_string.split())
contained = [word for word in word_list if word in long_string_set]
Looking up a word in a set happens in constant time, so this method is very efficient. Now of course, splitting a string into a list and turning a list into a set involve some processing cycles of their own, which is why the third way will only be fastest for very large lists. For very small lists, the first way is still faster.
Update - Even faster than using a list comprehension would be to turn both
and long_string
into sets and then do a intersection.
long_string_set = set(long_string.split())
word_set = set(word_list)
contained = long_string_set & word_set
Thanks to Kostis Karantias for pointing this out.
Python’s generators are one of its most powerful features. A generator function essentially looks like this.
def generator():
yield "one"
yield "two"
yield "three"
It can be used like so…
for num in generator():
print num
The previous code sample would print the strings “one”, “two”, and “three”.
Each call of the yield
statement will send another value to the for loop.
Of course, you don’t have to use it in a for loop. You could also do…
gen = generator()
next(gen) # "one"
next(gen) # "two"
next(gen) # "three"
next(gen) # Throws 'StopIteration' exception
You can also send values into the generator. For instance…
def generator():
x = 0
while True
x = yield x+1
gen = generator()
next(gen) # yields 1
gen.send(3) # yields 4
This allows the generator to function as a coroutine. Its usefulness is probably limited, but pretty cool nonetheless.
But the real power of generators is that they allow you to write text processing programs that can function in constant memory no matter the size of the file. How? It’s because the file object implements the same interface as a generator.
for line in open('something.txt'):
As you can tell, this program will read a file in line by line and do something to each line. This way, you could potentially do processing on Gigabyte-sized files without needing a Gigabyte or so of memory.