Exploring the Arrow SoCKit Part IV - Writing a Linux Device Driver

Now that we are able to control our blinker module from software, we should write a device driver that sets up an interface between our userspace code and the hardware. This allows us to avoid having to mmap “/dev/mem”, which is hacky and unsafe.

Ideally, we would like our driver to export a file in sysfs (the /sys filesystem) that we can write a number to and have that number set as the delay value in our hardware.

So here is the code. We will go through it bit by bit in this post.

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/ioport.h>
#include <linux/io.h>

#define BLINKER_BASE 0xff200000

void *blink_mem;

static struct device_driver blinker_driver = {
	.name = "blinker",
	.bus = &platform_bus_type,

ssize_t blinker_show(struct device_driver *drv, char *buf)
	return 0;

ssize_t blinker_store(struct device_driver *drv, const char *buf, size_t count)
	u8 delay;

	if (buf == NULL) {
		pr_err("Error, string must not be NULL\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	if (kstrtou8(buf, 10, &delay) < 0) {
		pr_err("Could not convert string to integer\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	if (delay < 1 || delay > 15) {
		pr_err("Invalid delay %d\n", delay);
		return -EINVAL;

	iowrite8(delay, blink_mem);

	return count;

static DRIVER_ATTR(blinker, S_IWUSR, blinker_show, blinker_store);


static int __init blinker_init(void)
	int ret;
	struct resource *res;

	ret = driver_register(&blinker_driver);
        if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	ret = driver_create_file(&blinker_driver, &driver_attr_blinker);
	if (ret < 0) {
		return ret;

	res = request_mem_region(BLINKER_BASE, BLINKER_SIZE, "blinker");
	if (res == NULL) {
		driver_remove_file(&blinker_driver, &driver_attr_blinker);
		return -EBUSY;

	blink_mem = ioremap(BLINKER_BASE, BLINKER_SIZE);
	if (blink_mem == NULL) {
		driver_remove_file(&blinker_driver, &driver_attr_blinker);
		release_mem_region(BLINKER_BASE, BLINKER_SIZE);
		return -EFAULT;

	return 0;

static void __exit blinker_exit(void)
	driver_remove_file(&blinker_driver, &driver_attr_blinker);
	release_mem_region(BLINKER_BASE, BLINKER_SIZE);


You can find the module code and Makefile on Github. This code was based off of material in Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition, specifically chapters 9 and 14. This is a really great book on writing Linux device drivers written by core kernel maintainers. I highly recommend looking at it if you’re interested in learning more.

Setting up the Module

When creating a Linux kernel module, we first need to register init and exit functions, which are run when the module is loaded and unloaded, respectively. In our module, the functions are called blinker_init and blinker_exit.

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>


static int __init blinker_init(void)
    /* ... */
    return 0;

static void __exit blinker_exit(void)
    /* ... */


We register the init and exit functions using the module_init and module_exit macros. We also need the MODULE_LICENSE module to tell the kernel what license we wish to put our module under.

Just the above code would give you a valid kernel module, albeit one that does absolutely nothing. But how do we build a kernel module? We have to create a Makefile compatible with the Linux kernel’s build system. Such a Makefile, assuming you have named your file blinker.c as I have, looks like this.

obj-m := blinker.o

To compile it, you’d run something like

armmake -C ~/path/to/linux-socfpga M=$PWD modules

You should replace the path after the “-C” flag with the path to which you cloned the Linux kernel sources. This will run make in the kernel source folder and tell it to build a module in your current directory. You can add a command to your Makefile to run this command for you.

PWD=$(shell pwd)

	make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -C $(KERNEL_SRC_DIR) \
		M=$(PWD) modules

The output of the build will be a “kernel object” file called “blinker.ko”. You can copy this over to your SD card and load it into the running kernel using the following command.

insmod blinker.ko

You can then unload it using

rmmod blinker

Now let’s add code to our module to make it do something useful.

Exporting Sysfs File

Linux, being a UNIX-like operating system, subscribes to the philosophy of “everything is a file”. That is, the standard way for userspace to communicate with drivers is through file IO operations. For reading and writing small bits of configuration information to driver modules, the Linux kernel provides a filesystem called Sysfs, which is mounted at “/sys” in your filesystem tree.

To get a driver entry in Sysfs, we need to declare and register a device_driver struct.

#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>

static struct device_driver blinker_driver = {
	.name = "blinker",
	.bus = &platform_bus_type,

Device drivers must have a name and a bus. The bus is what connects the device to the CPU. This could be PCI, USB, or some other method. Since our blinker module can be accessed directly from system memory, we will use the generic platform bus type.

We will also need to declare a driver_attribute struct, which has function pointers to “show” and “store” functions that are run when userspace reads from or writes to the sysfs file, respectively.

ssize_t blinker_show(struct device_driver *drv, char *buf)
	return 0;

ssize_t blinker_store(struct device_driver *drv, const char *buf, size_t count)
    /* ... */
    return count;

static DRIVER_ATTR(blinker, S_IWUSR, blinker_show, blinker_store);

Since our blinker module is write-only, we don’t need to do anything in blinker_show. The DRIVER_ATTR macro helps us declare a driver_attr struct. The arguments to the macro are name, permissions mode, show function, and store function. This will declare a struct called driver_attr_blinker. The mode can be any combination of S_IWUSR, meaning the user has write access, and S_IRUGO, meaning everyone has read access. Again, we want our sysfs file to be write-only, so we only give S_IWUSR.

We register our driver in the init function like so …

ret = driver_register(&blinker_driver);
/* error handling ... */
ret = driver_create_file(&blinker_driver, &driver_attr_blinker);
/* error handling ... */

Later, in the module exit function, we will unregister the driver.

driver_remove_file(&blinker_driver, &driver_attr_blinker);

Now, when the kernel module is loaded, a file will be created at “/sys/bus/platform/drivers/blinker/blinker”. Writing to this file will trigger the blinker_store function. But how do we make this function do what we want it to?

Accessing IO Memory

As in the previous post, we will set the delay by writing a byte to physical memory at address 0xff200000. However, this address is not yet mapped into the kernel’s address space, so we will have to that first. Fortunately, the kernel provides functions for properly mapping and accessing the memory space for peripherals, which is termed IO memory.

First, we will need to request exclusive access to the memory region we want to write to.

#define BLINKER_BASE 0xff200000

res = request_mem_region(BLINKER_BASE, BLINKER_SIZE, "blinker");
if (res == NULL) {
    /* do some error handling */

BLINKER_BASE is set to the base address we want, and BLINKER_SIZE is set to the page size. As with the mmap system call, we can only get memory a page at a time, so it makes sense to just request a whole page. Now that we know we have exclusive access, we need to map the address into virtual memory.

void *blink_mem;

blink_mem = ioremap(BLINKER_BASE, BLINKER_SIZE);
if (blink_mem == NULL) {
        /* error handling */

We can now write to blink_mem to set the hardware delay. Of course, it’s not considered proper to just do *blink_mem = delay. Instead, we should use the iowrite* functions. In our case, we are writing a single byte, so we use iowrite8.

u8 delay;
if (kstrtou8(buf, 10, &delay) < 0) {
    /* error handling if buf isn't a number */
if (delay < 1 || delay > 15) {
    /* error handling if delay out of bounds */
iowrite8(delay, blink_mem);

Now with the full module, we can write a number between 1 and 15 to “/sys/bus/platform/drivers/blinker/blinker” and set the delay in the FPGA module.


So now you know how to write a basic device driver. There are a lot more things that come into play when developing a driver, and I recommend reading Linux Device Drivers for reference on how to accomplish certain things.

So far, we have been working with a rather trivial example of what the FPGA can do. If you’re interesting in FPGAs, you are probably more interested in getting them to do efficient parallel computation. In my next post, I will introduce a more complex hardware module that will perform such computation.

<- Part 3 Part 5 ->