Exploring the Arrow SoCKit Part VII - Software Control for the FPGA MD5 Cracker

So now, finally, it’s time to connect our MD5 units to the HPS so that we can get them to do something useful.

Grouping Several MD5 Units

First, we’ll want to instantiate multiple MD5 units and multiplex their inputs and outputs. We’ll instantiate 16 md5 units here for a total of 32 compute nodes. The choice of number of nodes is pretty arbitrary. In our case it’s convenient since the lightweight HPS-to-FPGA bridge is 32-bit, so we can use a single word each for the start, reset, and done signals. Using a for-generate statement saves us a lot of typing here.

module md5group (
    input clk,
    input [31:0] start,
    input [31:0] reset,

    input write,
    input [31:0] writedata,
    input [8:0]  writeaddr,

    output reg [31:0] readdata,
    input      [6:0]  readaddr,

    output [31:0] done

wire [15:0] unit_write;
wire [127:0] digest_arr [0:31];
wire [4:0] digest_sel = readaddr[6:2];
wire [1:0] word_sel = readaddr[1:0];
wire [127:0] digest = digest_arr[digest_sel];

always @(*) begin
    case (word_sel)
        2'b00: readdata = digest[31:0];
        2'b01: readdata = digest[63:32];
        2'b10: readdata = digest[95:64];
        2'b11: readdata = digest[127:96];

genvar i;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin : MD5GEN
        assign unit_write[i] = (write && i == writeaddr[8:5]);
        md5unit md5 (
            .clk (clk),
            .reset (reset[2 * i + 1 : 2 * i]),
            .start (start[2 * i + 1 : 2 * i]),
            .write (unit_write[i]),
            .writedata (writedata),
            .writeaddr (writeaddr[4:0]),
            .digest0 (digest_arr[2 * i]),
            .digest1 (digest_arr[2 * i + 1]),
            .done (done[2 * i + 1 : 2 * i])


Avalon Interfaces

Now we’ll need some Avalon slave interfaces. First, we’ll make one interface for the control and status signals: reset, start, and done.

module md5control (
    input clk,
    input reset,

    input      [31:0] avs_writedata,
    output reg [31:0] avs_readdata,
    input      [1:0]  avs_address,
    input             avs_read,
    input             avs_write,

    output [31:0] md5_start,
    output [31:0] md5_reset,
    input  [31:0] md5_done

reg [31:0] start_reg;
reg [31:0] reset_reg;

assign md5_start = start_reg;
assign md5_reset = reset_reg;

always @(posedge clk) begin
    if (avs_write) begin
        case (avs_address)
            2'b00: begin
                reset_reg <= avs_writedata;
                start_reg <= 32'd0;
            2'b01: begin
                reset_reg <= 32'd0;
                start_reg <= avs_writedata;
            default: begin
                reset_reg <= 32'd0;
                start_reg <= 32'd0;
    end else if (avs_read) begin
        reset_reg <= 32'd0;
        start_reg <= 32'd0;
        case (avs_address)
            2'b00: avs_readdata <= reset_reg;
            2'b01: avs_readdata <= start_reg;
            2'b10: avs_readdata <= md5_done;
            default: avs_readdata <= 32'd0;
    end else begin
        reset_reg <= 32'd0;
        start_reg <= 32'd0;


Notice that, unless we are writing to start or reset, we set the signals back to 0 after every cycle. This ensures that the signals are only high for a single cycle as expected.

We also need Avalon slaves for the input and output signals in md5group. These slaves aren’t very interesting, since they pretty much just pass the signals through, so I won’t show them here. You can look at them on Github if you’re really interested.


If you’re using the code on Github, you can load the soc_system.qsys file once you open up Qsys and click generate. I basically just created the peripherals with the avs_* signals connected to the Avalon interface and md5_* signal exported to conduits. You can click generate in Qsys and a .qip file will be generated at “soc_system/synthesis/soc_system.qip” as before.

At this point, I ran into a really weird bug with Qsys. No matter what I did, it refused to export the md5_write signal from the md5input peripheral. I ended up having to edit it manually to make it work. Since this is kind of tedious to do every time, I wrote a script that will fix the generated “soc_system.v” file automatically. If you’re using the code from Github, just run the “fix_generated_system.sh” script.

At this point, you can run Analysis and Synthesis, followed by the memory pin placement TCL script that was generated by Qsys. After that’s done, you can compile the programming file for the FPGA. You don’t have to run the full compilation to get the .sof file, you only have to run up to the “Assembler” stage. You can do this by just double clicking on “Assembler” in the “Tasks” window at the center left. Be prepared to wait a while. Quartus’s fitter can take a really long time for larger designs. Once the assembler stage has finished, you can convert the .sof file to a raw binary file if you so choose.

The Software

The software we run on the board will have to generate a bunch of inputs, pad them appropriately, and then load everything into the FPGA registers. We’ll just use the “mmap /dev/mem” technique again to access the bridge memory. We’ll use a struct to keep track of all the pointers and files we’ll need.

struct fpga_control {
	void *mem;
	volatile uint32_t *md5input;
	volatile uint32_t *md5output;
	volatile uint32_t *md5control;
	int fd;

Then we can create functions for initializing and cleaning up the struct.

#define MD5_INPUT_OFFSET 0x0
#define MD5_OUTPUT_OFFSET 0x800
#define MD5_CONTROL_OFFSET 0xa00

#define PAGE_SIZE sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)
#define LWHPS2FPGA_BASE 0xff200000

int init_fpga_control(struct fpga_control *fpga)
	fpga->fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
	if (fpga->fd < 0)
		return -1;

	fpga->mem = mmap(NULL, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
	if (fpga->mem == MAP_FAILED) {
		return -1;

	fpga->md5input = fpga->mem + MD5_INPUT_OFFSET;
	fpga->md5output = fpga->mem + MD5_OUTPUT_OFFSET;
	fpga->md5control = fpga->mem + MD5_CONTROL_OFFSET;

	return 0;

void release_fpga_control(struct fpga_control *fpga)
	munmap(fpga->mem, PAGE_SIZE);

You might want to change the offset constants if your offsets are different.

We’ll want convenience functions for doing five key operations: resetting an MD5 unit, starting a unit, checking if a unit is done, copying the input in, and copying the output back. These definitions are pretty simple.

void fpga_reset_unit(struct fpga_control *fpga, int unit)
	fpga->md5control[0] |= (1 << unit);
	while ((fpga->md5control[0] >> unit) & 0x1);

void fpga_start_unit(struct fpga_control *fpga, int unit)
	fpga->md5control[1] |= (1 << unit);
	while ((fpga->md5control[1] >> unit) & 0x1);

int fpga_unit_done(struct fpga_control *fpga, int unit)
	return (fpga->md5control[2] >> unit) & 0x1;

void fpga_copy_input(struct fpga_control *fpga, uint32_t *input, int unit)
	int i, start;

	start = MD5_INPUT_SIZE * unit;

	for (i = 0; i < MD5_INPUT_SIZE; i++)
		fpga->md5input[start + i] = input[i];
void fpga_copy_output(struct fpga_control *fpga, uint32_t *output, int unit)
	int i, start;

	start = MD5_OUTPUT_SIZE * unit;

	for (i = 0; i < MD5_OUTPUT_SIZE; i++)
		output[i] = fpga->md5output[start + i];

Now we’ll need code to generate the byte sequences we’ll use as our inputs. For our purposes, let’s generate all the alpha-numeric strings that can fit in a single 512-bit MD5 block.

#define NUM_VALID_CHARS 62

struct seq_gen {
	int length;
	uint8_t valid_chars[NUM_VALID_CHARS];
	uint8_t sequence[LARGEST_SEQUENCE];

void init_seq_gen(struct seq_gen *seq_gen)
	int i;

	seq_gen->length = 0;

	// 0-25 lowercase latin characters
	// 26-51 uppercase latin characters
	for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
		seq_gen->valid_chars[i] = 'a' + i;
		seq_gen->valid_chars[i + 26] = 'A' + i;

	// 52-61 Arabic numerals
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		seq_gen->valid_chars[i + 52] = '0' + i;

static inline void copy_sequence(struct seq_gen *seq_gen, uint8_t *seq)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < seq_gen->length; i++)
		seq[i] = seq_gen->valid_chars[seq_gen->sequence[i]];

int next_sequence(struct seq_gen *seq_gen, uint8_t *seq)
	int i;
	char last_char = NUM_VALID_CHARS - 1;
	int updated = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < seq_gen->length; i++) {
		// sequence[i] is not the maximum int
		// increment it and break out of this loop
		if (seq_gen->sequence[i] != last_char) {
			updated = 1;
		// otherwise, wrap back around to 0
		seq_gen->sequence[i] = 0;

	// if everything was at the maximum valid int,
	// we need to extend the length
	if (!updated) {
		// if we can generate no more strings, return 0
		if (seq_gen->length == LARGEST_SEQUENCE)
			return 0;
		seq_gen->sequence[seq_gen->length] = 0;

	// copy the characters to the pointer given
	copy_sequence(seq_gen, seq);
	return seq_gen->length;

The next_sequence function copies the next string in the sequence to the pointer given and returns the length of the string or 0 if all of the strings have been generated. Now that we have a way to generate inputs and control the FPGA, we can write the main loop of our program.


static inline void wait_for_done(struct fpga_control *fpga, int unit)
	while (!fpga_unit_done(fpga, unit));

int main(void)
	int unit = 0, len, status = 0;
	struct fpga_control fpga[1];
	struct seq_gen seq_gen[1];
	uint8_t bytes[BUFSIZE];
	uint32_t digest[4];
	uint32_t *words = (uint32_t *) bytes;
	int first_pass = 1, i;
	unsigned long hashes = 0;
	clock_t start, end, report_time;
	float hash_time, avg_hashes;

	printf("initializing fpga control\n");
	if (init_fpga_control(fpga)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize fpga controller\n");


	start = clock();
	report_time = start + REPORT_INTERVAL * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

	while ((len = next_sequence(seq_gen, bytes)) > 0) {
		padbuffer(bytes, len);

		wait_for_done(fpga, unit);
		if (!first_pass) {
			fpga_copy_output(fpga, digest, unit);

		fpga_reset_unit(fpga, unit);
		fpga_copy_input(fpga, words, unit);
		fpga_start_unit(fpga, unit);


		if (unit == NUM_MD5_UNITS) {
			unit = 0;
			first_pass = 0;

		end = clock();
		if (end > report_time) {
			hash_time = (end - start) / (float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
			avg_hashes = hashes / hash_time;
			printf("Hashing at %f per sec\n", avg_hashes);

	for (i = 0; i < NUM_MD5_UNITS; i++) {
		wait_for_done(fpga, (unit + i) % NUM_MD5_UNITS);
		fpga_copy_output(fpga, digest, (unit + i) % NUM_MD5_UNITS);

	end = clock();

	hash_time = (end - start) / (float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	avg_hashes = hashes / hash_time;

	printf("Time elapsed: %f s\n", hash_time);
	printf("Hashes computed: %lu\n", hashes);
	printf("Average hash rate: %f per sec\n", avg_hashes);

	return status;

Basically, the main loop will go through the 32 units in a round. At each iteration, it waits for the unit to finish, copies data back from it if necessary, resets the unit, copies the next sequence to it, and then starts the unit again. This way, we can keep all 32 units busy.


Using this 32-unit MD5 cracker, we can compute hashes on the SoCKit at about 80 thousand hashes per second. This is actually not that great. A single 2.7 GHz Intel Xeon core on my Macbook air can run at 10s of millions of hashes per second. A high end GPU running OCL hashcat can run the algorithm at 23 billion hashes per second. There are probably ways to speed up our computation, perhaps by instantiating more MD5 units or moving our sequence generation to the FPGA, but it’s unlikely that the raw performance would catch up to that of the Xeon.


So now you have seen how to implement moderately complex algorithms on the FPGA. You have also seen that mid-range FPGAs like the Cyclone V aren’t actually that great when it comes to raw performance. Where FPGAs really shine is in strictly timed IO and real-time processing. We’ll explore the use of FPGAs in these sorts of applications in the next few posts, as we look at implementing real-time digital audio effects on the FPGA.

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